Scantronic 9800+ User Manual

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Summary of Contents

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SCANTRONIC LTDUser GuideMicroprocessorIntruder AlarmSystem9 8 0 09 8 0 09 8 0 0

Page 2 - Glossary of Terms

The Part Set function provides the user with the facility to set the systemwith only the detection allocated to Group B or C being armed. Circuits not

Page 3 - Contents

9The user can set or part set the system with selected alarm zones omittedfrom the system. (If zone is programmed by engineer for ‘Omit Enabled’.)Howe

Page 4 - Introduction

If necessary, the user can omit a 24hr circuit when the system is unset. (Ifzone is programmed by engineer for ‘Omit Enable’.) To omit a 24hr circuitp

Page 5 - Operator Codes

11On entering the premises the sounder will be emitting a continuous tone. Theuser should proceed immediately to the keypad via the prescribed entry r

Page 6 - Final or Timed Setting

If the user should stray from the prescribed entry route on normal entry tothe premises, a full alarm condition will occur, (external bells and intern

Page 7 - Setting With Zones Open

13Many local police authorities are concerned about the rising number of falsealarms raised at central stations by user error or system malfunction. T

Page 8 - Keyswitch Setting

14Remote Reset (Cont.)Call your alarm company centralstation, follow the verificationprocedure (usually a code name ornumber) and give the ‘ControlCod

Page 9 - Keyswitch Setting (Cont.)

15On entering the premises following an intrusion, a full alarm condition willexist. To cancel the alarm, the user should proceed directly to the remo

Page 10 - Part Setting

16The chime function is only available if programmed during installation andcan only be selected if the system is unset. When set to chime, the intern

Page 11 - Setting With Zones Omitted

17The system will accept up to four different user access codes, the first ofwhich is pre-programmed. The user can allocate or amend all four codes at

Page 12 - Omitting a 24Hr Zone

Access Code User private code (4 Digit) used to set, unset andprogramme the system.Automatic An optional automatic dialling unit fitted within theala

Page 13 - Exceeding the Entry Time

18Reviewing the Event Log With the alarm system in the ‘Day’ state, the user can scan the coded eventlog to obtain a record of system events. The even

Page 14 - Straying From the Entry Route

19Sounder, Bell & Strobe TestThe user can test the operation of the internal and external sounders, bell andstrobe as follows:(c) External sounder

Page 15 - Remote Reset

20System Walk TestThe user can ‘Walk Test’ the system and test the operation of each detectorcircuit (with the exception of panic alarms or fire circu

Page 16 - Remote Reset (Cont.)

21System Faults & Alarm ConditionsTELEPHONE LINE FAULTIf your system is fitted with a remote signalling device which operates overthe standard tel

Page 17 - Unsetting After an Alarm

22System Fault Conditions (Cont.)BATTERY FAULTIf a battery fault condition occurs when the system is unset, a local alarmcondition will be initiated.

Page 18 - Chime Setting

23Daytime Tamper AlarmThe alarm system automatically monitors the main control panel, keypads,external bell and circuit wiring and will automatically

Page 19 - Changing Access Codes

24c1 to 8 Detector circuit open.t1 to 8 Circuit tamper open.o1 to 8 Detector circuit omitted (isolated).E1 to 8 Entry via a detector circuit.S1 to 8 D

Page 20 - Reviewing the Event Log

25Your Circuit DescriptionZONE DESCRIPTION WHOLESYSTEMPARTSET BPARTSET COMITALLOWEDCHIME12345678Installed by (Engineer’s signature) . . . . . . . . .

Page 21 - Prog log

26Service RecordDATE ENG REPORT

Page 22 - System Walk Test

27COMPANY NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Page 23

1Section Title Page1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 OPERATOR CODES AND DISPLAYS . . . . . . . . .


SCANTRONIC LTDManufactured in the UK by Scantronic Ltd.Pt. No. 495665 Issue 2

Page 25

The 9800 Electronic Intruder Alarm system uses the latest microprocessortechnology to provide a simple to operate, yet highly flexible system,suitable

Page 26 - Explanation of Codes

Setting, unsetting and access to the system functions are normally inhibitedunless a four digit security code is entered via the remote keypad.The sys

Page 27 - Your Circuit Description

Ensure that all doors and windows are secure, check that movementdetectors are not obstructed and proceed as follows:(c) Leave the premises by the pre


5Should the user attempt to set the system with one or more zones open, thesystem will not set. The internal sounder will emit an interrupted tone and

Page 29 - Service Telephone Number

Your system may be fitted with an optional two-position keyswitch whichpermits keyholders to set and unset the alarm only. This facility must beprogra

Page 30 - Pt. No. 495665 Issue 2

7KEYSWITCH SETTING WITH ZONES OPENShould the user attempt to set the system with the keyswitch when one ormore zones are open, the system will not set

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